teens & Young Adults

We make some of the most important decisions of our lives during our young adult years: Who to marry, where we will work, and what habits we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. Wellspring makes young adults a priority through a strong bond with the ministry of Young Life, our Summer Internship, and a commitment to keeping our services and ministries relevant to the young adults in our community. We pray these opportunities will help young adults create "new normals" for the rest of their lives.

middle school

Our middle school ministry continues to grow and develop! Middle schoolers meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of each month from 6:30-8:30pm in the Wellspring Basement for games, worship, and a message. Please contact Kenzie for more information!

high school

Our high school ministry desires to create meaningful experiences for our students to connect with Jesus and others. We love having fun events and hangouts! We also encourage our Wellspring teenagers to attend and support area Young Life activities and invite their unchurched friends to Young Life's weekly meetings and Bible studies. Please contact Kenny Atkins for more information! 

YoungLife, Wyldlife & Capernaum

YoungLife is an organization that seeks out unchurched and disinterested young adults from middle school through college to tell them the good news of God’s love for them. This includes YoungLife's Capernaum ministry, which reaches out to young adults with special needs. YoungLife is a ministry based heavily on building relationships and earning the right to be heard through meaningful friendships and shared experiences of fun and adventure. Over the years, our YL leaders have brought many of their friends to Wellspring. Wellspring invests in our local YoungLife ministry financially and by supporting the local staff and ministry expenses. 

For more information on St. Joseph Young Life, please visit our local website or contact Area Director Phil Zweerink

Young Life college

Missouri Western

YoungLife College has been on the campus of Missouri Western since the Fall of 2017. With weekly clubs, Bible studies, game nights, bon fires, and lots of great conversations, our YL College leaders take the time to know these students deeply and love them well as they stand at the threshold of adulthood. YoungLife offers annual Fall Weekend and Spring Work Week trips at National YoungLife camps.

For more information on Young Life College, please contact Kenzie Thom

Year-Long internship

Wellspring offers a year-long internship for young adults that commit to working 10 hours a week. This internship is full of hands on ministry work in different areas of the church depending on the gifts and passions of the interns. This is a great opportunity for young people who might feel a call from God to work in ministry and would like to have real work experience in a church setting. 

Internship Overview & Application

If you have any questions, please contact Justin Amos!